
Monday, June 17, 2013

Super Rad Ottoman

This is what I started with: a $15  coffee table acquired from a thrift store.

This is what I ended with: a super rad ottoman.

I started by priming and painting the legs.  I then determined where I would drill holes through the table.  I wanted the tufting pattern to be a semi-diamond shape, so I drilled three holes in the middle and two on either side.

 I used a twin size foam mattress pad for my foam padding.  I then cut holes in the foam to match the holes I drilled in the table.  Using regular scissors it is easy to cut this foam.  I cut it to size (or relatively close) and then added three layers of batting. Actually, I added one layer of batting and then added all my buttons, realized it was not puffy enough and had to take out all the buttons and restart.

I started with the button in the middle, which was the hardest to do.  Using an upholstery needle and really strong thread I started underneath the table went through all the layers of foam and batting and attached my covered button.  In order for the covered button to stay, I tied it off using a regular button underneath.  (This was the hardest part since I did not have anyone to hold the covered button down enough for me to get a really good poofiness to button ratio.  I may redo the center button when my sister comes to visit me (hint, hint, sissy-poo).  The buttons closer to the edge were easier because I was able to hold them down with my chin and tie them off underneath.  (Thus, this part is easier with a friend).

Here are pictures of the underside of the table with all the buttons attached.  I then cut off the excess thread and stapled the batting to the underside.

The final steps are to create an edge on the fabric and staple.  I found this easier to do if the fabric is cut into a circle shape before folding.  I just gave myself several inches of excess overlap and then cut.

The final, final step is to flip ottoman over and admire your work ;)

I like the above picture the best because I "strategically draped" a gorgeous blanket on it that I received as a gift.

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